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Fake False Claim: Ukrainian names became the most popular in Poland in 2024

Pro-Russian sources have been circulating a screenshot supposedly from the website of the Polish Ministry of Digitalization, dated December 9, 2024, listing the most popular male names in the country. According to the screenshot, the top three names are Taras, Bohdan, and Stepan. The propagandists suggest that this indicates Ukrainian refugees are giving birth in Poland more frequently than Polish women.

However, this is a blatant falsehood, as reported by VoxCheck. There are no publications on the official website of the Polish Ministry of Digitalization regarding a list of the most popular male names for December 9, 2024. The last time the ministry published such a list was on August 6, 2024. At that time, the top three male names were Nikodem, Jan, and Aleksander. Additionally, the names Stepan, Taras, and Bohdan were not included in the ranking.

The Ministry of Digitalization of Poland has officially debunked the claim that Stepan, Taras, and Bohdan were the most popular names in Poland in 2024.

Earlier, we also debunked a Russian myth about Warsaw's alleged plans to annex western Ukraine.

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