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Fake False assertion: Zelenskyi allegedly bought a villa for €18 million and is building an underground bunker

Russian sources have circulated a claim that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, through a shell company called Aldorante LTD, allegedly bought a mansion for €18 million on the French island of Saint Barthélemy and started building an underground bunker on the property. According to these propagandists, Zelenskyi is preparing an “escape plan”.

However, this claim is false, as reported by the StopFake project. The ‘news’ being spread does not contain any official documents or credible sources. Moreover, the real estate management company that sold the villa in October 2024 confirmed to StopFake journalists that the buyer has no connections to Ukraine and denied the claim about a bunker being built on the property.

Propagandists continue to systematically discredit Zelenskyi and his family by spreading fake stories about supposed expensive purchases. Previously, we debunked claims about alleged ‘new properties’ owned by the Zelenskyi family, including the home of Joseph Goebbels, a villa on the coast of Egypt, a winery owned by Sting, and others.

NGO “Detector Media” has been working for our readers for over 20 years. In times of elections, revolutions, pandemics and war, we continue to fight for quality journalism. Our experts develop media literacy of the audience, advocate for the rights of journalists, and refute Russian disinformation.

“Detector Media” resumes the work of our Community and invites those who believe that the media should be better: more professional, truthful and transparent.
