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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake During a visit to the United States, Zelenskyi handed over to Congress the flag of Ukraine “with SS runes”

This information was disseminated by Russian resources with alleged photo evidence.

Basically, it's a photo fake. Russian propagandists changed the original photo so that the signature of the 46th separate airmobile brigade of the Airborne Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine resembled the emblem of the armed formations of the National Socialist Workers' Party in Nazi Germany. The original image is depicted in such a way that the number 46 looks like the emblem of the SS.

The fact that propagandists spread the fake photo can also be understood from the fact that in it the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi is standing on the left, and US Vice President Kamala Harris is on the right. In the original photo, the opposite is true, and it was this photo of the Ukrainian president against the background of the flag that was published by many world media, depicting exactly how the politicians were. This episode can be seen in the plots of various TV channels, on the broadcast of Zelenskyi's visit to Congress.

Russian propaganda regularly disseminates “evidence” of the alleged adherence of the Ukrainian authorities to Nazi ideology in order to justify the need for their fictitious “denazification” of Ukraine. More details.

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