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Manipulation China predicts Russia's quick victory

This message was circulated on social networks and in the Kremlin media. It says that Ukraine should accept an inevitable defeat from Russia, as it depends on the West. Like, Ukraine is now on the verge of losing, so it is likely, according to the authors of the message, that it “may disappear from the map of the world”. The publication refers to an article published on the Chinese portal Sina. However, this is manipulation.

Analysts of The Insider project investigated this case and found out that in fact the Sina platform is not the media or any official resource, but a huge online platform with registered users. That is, anyone can place anything on it. That is why under the material about the “inevitable defeat of Ukraine” it says: “The content of the above article demonstrates the author's own views and does not reflect the views or positions of Sina.com”. An article is an unofficial position of a country or even a platform, but only one user.

Fact-checkers add that an unknown user of the platform has published five articles since January 24, in which he glorifies the Russian army and predicts an inevitable defeat for Ukraine.

By spreading such manipulation, Russian propaganda resorts to subterfuge and tries to convince the Russians of their victories. Allegedly, the Russians are supported by a strategic partner or a “strong” state that should be trusted. Consequently, Russia wants to distort reality and wishful thinking.

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