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Fake Blackout of power to be supposedly artificially created by Ukrainian oligarchs in the summer for personal interests

Propaganda resources are spreading reports that Ukrainian oligarchs, who control Ukraine's strategic energy sector, deliberately turn off electricity in the summer. Thus, they allegedly want to divert the attention of Ukrainians from “Zelenskyi’s illegitimacy”, demoralize and control them.

In fact, such statements are fake, write the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security at the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. The culprits behind the blackouts are the Russians, who are terroristically targeting Ukraine's critical energy infrastructure. By doing so, they seek to plunge Ukrainians into darkness and provoke a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

In addition, Russian propaganda circulates conspiracy theories in the information space with the aim of psychologically influencing Ukrainians, saying that the limitation of electricity supply is “unmotivated”.

Previously, we analyzed the media manipulation of Russian propaganda, which consisted in the fact that the energy sector in Ukraine was allegedly protected only with sandbags costing two billion hryvnia.

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