Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin disinformation about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin disinformation. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions.

On 07 October, on the 956th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Disclosure How Russian propaganda calls for killing Ukrainian children

Because of its propagandists, Russia informally admits responsibility for the missile attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital on July 8, 2024 and tries to convince its citizens of the “correctness” of such attacks. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council.

For example, one of the Russian publications, known for its “radical Orthodox” rhetoric, published an article by propagandist Perley, who states that the attack on a children’s hospital in Kyiv was not an accident. The author calls not to spare Ukrainian children and uses as justification the manipulation of the topic of “children of Donbas”, which Russia has been widely exploiting for 10 years to cover up its crimes against Ukraine. The propagandist also emphasizes that there is “no civilian population” in Ukraine, because absolutely all Ukrainians are enemies for the Russians.

So, Russian propaganda has once again shown its cannibalistic nature. Propagandists who incite hatred against Ukrainians and actually encourage genocide should be brought before an international court as accomplices in Russia's crimes against Ukraine. We wrote earlier that another Russian propagandist, Krasovskyi, has repeatedly called for the killing of Ukrainian children.

Fake Validators on Sumy buses allegedly require fares to be paid in rubles

Pro-Russian resources are disseminating information that in Sumy, validators on buses allegedly demand payment for travel in rubles. Some sources write that this became possible thanks to a Russian hacker attack, because soon, according to propagandists, “the city may come under Russian control”. A photograph distributed online shows a bus validator, on the screen of which is visible the inscription: “Amounts 33 rubles. Scan your card”.

However, in fact, the photo was edited in a photo editor, writes the StopFake project. To create the fake image, the Russians used the original photo of the validator from a bus in Kyiv. This photo was published by the mayor of Kyiv Vitalii Klychko on his page on the social network Facebook back in October 2022. In the original photo one can see the inscription on the validator screen “Kyiv, 15:33”,but  not “Sumy, 33 rubles”, as propagandists claim.

The fact that this photo was used to create a fake one is evidenced by their similarity: an identical shadow on the validator screen, as well as a similar interior of the vehicle.

StopFake journalists further analyzed the fake image using the InVID & WeVerify tool to determine whether it had been altered. Analysis of 8x8 pixel blocks using the BLOCK algorithm showed that the grid was locally disrupted. This means that objects in the image have been added or moved. This is also confirmed by other algorithms. In particular, deep learning approaches for detecting manipulation and counterfeiting Mantra-Net and Fusion detected traces of editing in the validator screen area.

This fake aim is to disturb the residents of Sumy, saying that soon the “Russian world” will come to their city.

Disclosure Russia is using the NATO summit decision to justify continued aggression against Ukraine

Russian propagandists, citing statements by Kremlin Speaker Pieskov about the results of the NATO summit in Washington on July 9-11, 2024, are trying to shift responsibility for the war in Ukraine to the North Atlantic Alliance.

The Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council writes that we are talking about the following disinformation messages:

– “NATO is de facto fully involved in the conflict in Ukraine”;

– “The results of the NATO summit confirmed the confrontational nature of the alliance and its reluctance to achieve peace”;

– “The movement of NATO military infrastructure towards Russia’s borders continues”;

- “NATO’s plans to accept Ukraine are connected with the desire to defeat Russia”.

By accusing NATO of aggressive intentions towards Russia, the Kremlin is trying to mislead the world community and convince it that it is waging a war against Ukraine in order to “defend itself”. Moscow also seeks to discredit Ukraine’s desire for Euro-Atlantic integration, building its propaganda image as a hostile state and an apostate of the West.

Based on the results of the summit, it can be argued that Russia is promoting the thesis that NATO has raised the stakes and escalated the situation, thereby leaving Russia no choice. Read more about the change in Russian rhetoric towards Ukraine after the Washington NATO summit in the corresponding article by the Detector Media Research Center.

Disclosure How Russia conducts propaganda at the TOT through youth organizations

Russia continues to invest large resources in the ideological indoctrination of youth in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT), expanding the network of organizations specially created for this purpose. In particular, at the TOT, with the assistance of local gauleiters, recruitment is underway for the all-Russian community of children and youth “Movement of the First”, created on December 18, 2022 on the initiative of Russian President Putin. Outreach events are also held for local schoolchildren and students. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council.

As for the “First Movement” community, it is the reincarnation of Soviet practices of youth education - organizations of pioneers and Komsomol members. By resorting to old, proven methods, the Kremlin is trying to achieve several goals at once:

– ideologically educate youth at the TOT in the spirit of loyalty to Russia;

– prevent any resistance by controlling the mood of young people;

– integrate local youth into the Russian space;

– form personnel for administrative, political and military structures at the TOT.

This youth movement is part of a large-scale program to strengthen the influence and control of children and youth in the temporarily occupied territories.

Manipulation Stoltenberg allegedly said that no one gave guarantees for Ukraine to join NATO, and also that China is the organizer of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

On the eve of the NATO summit in Washington, pro-Kremlin media disseminated an alleged statement by Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who said that “no one gave guarantees for Ukraine’s entry into NATO”. The Secretary General also allegedly called China the main organizer of Russia’s war in Ukraine. Propagandists claimed that Stoltenberg’s statements were allegedly made in an interview he recently gave to the American television channel CBS.

However, in fact, Stoltenberg’s words were manipulated, distorting the context of what was said,  the StopFake project wrote.

As for the accusations of the alleged lack of promises to admit Ukraine to NATO, it is important to understand the context. Stoltenberg actually answered the journalist’s question: “Why such a long period for Ukraine’s accession, you talked about a 10-year period, why exactly 10 years, and not one, two or three years, because they were faced with war?” To which the Secretary General said: “Well, no one talked about 10 years, but it is obvious that this is a very serious issue for Ukraine. Because Ukraine is in a state of war. Ukraine was attacked by Russia. Therefore, the most important thing we must do is strengthen our support for Ukraine to ensure its victory. This is a precondition for any future membership of Ukraine”. That is, Stoltenberg did not say anything about the absence of guarantees for Ukraine to join NATO; the statement was invented by propagandists. He spoke about the absence of a clear time frame for Ukraine’s entry into the alliance, and that now the support of Ukraine in the war with Russia is more important.

As for China, Stoltenberg called the country “the main enabler of Russia’s war in Ukraine”, rather than its organizer: “The war in Ukraine demonstrates how closely connected Russia and China, North Korea and Iran are. China is the main leader of Russian military aggression against Ukraine. President Xi and President Putin all want NATO and the United States to fail in Ukraine”.

Russia is trying to counteract Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration by spreading disinformation about Ukraine's accession to NATO. As for China, by manipulating information, Russian propaganda seeks to antagonize NATO and Beijing for its own benefit.

Orest Slyvenko, Artur Koldomasov, Vitalii Mykhailiv, Oleksandra Kotenko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Lesia Bidochko serves as the project coordinator, while Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.