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Manipulation Zelenskyy is being guarded by foreign mercenaries.

Anonymous telegram channels controlled by Russian special services have been circulating reports that President Vladimir Zelenskyy is allegedly being guarded by foreign mercenaries - supposedly he does not trust Ukrainian ones. This report, as well as the manipulative conclusions, rests entirely on the fact that one of the defenders accompanying the president to Bucha has the Ukrainian flag upside down on his chevron. There could be many explanations for this, from "the wrong chevron" to "the identification mark of a certain group" (e.g., the inverted Ukrainian flag is used by Azov) or "an indication of the state of war." The military also confirms this to Media Detector. In fact, the Ukrainian flag we are used to - blue on top, yellow on the bottom - approved only in 1918. There is also an opinion that the flag is turned upside down as a sign of distress or war. More about this myth was written by "On the other side of the news". In addition, the footage from Bucha shows Zelenskyy's security guard, the first deputy head of the Department - the head of the Security Service of the President of Ukraine of the State Security Directorate, Maksym Donets, constantly visible.

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