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Fake Zelensky's daughter called her father a Nazi.

This is the information spread by users of social networks. Posts that Olpeksandra Zelenska allegedly considers her father a Nazi and murderer of the people were published in two languages - Russian and Georgian. The posts say that President Zelensky's daughter fled to Poland because she considers her father a Nazi and a murderer of Ukrainians. The posts are accompanied by a photo of a young woman who is sitting in a car crying. However, as Mythdetector's fact checker found out, the person in the photo is not Oleksandra Zelenska, but a frame cut from a video published in 2017, in which a Russian-speaking woman is crying because her husband did not buy her a new iPhone. The Russian website 9111.ru is probably the original source of the information that Oleksandra Zelenska thinks her father is a Nazi. As the fact checker writes, the fact that the photo is not Zelensky's daughter is clearly visible if you compare the photo with that of the real Olexandra.

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