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Fake Voodoo dolls are allegedly being made at a Kharkiv school to “spoil Russians”

Pro-Russian telegram channels are disseminating information that the political officer of the 15th border detachment of the State Tax Service of Ukraine conducted classes on making voodoo dolls in one of the Kharkiv schools. Propagandists write that according to the political officer “this will help bring damage to the Russians”.

However, this information is not true. The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council writes about this. In fact, the youth of the Novobavarskyi district of Kharkiv attended a master class called Amulet for a Warrior on making a motanka doll. And the military themselves were not present at this event at all.

Russian propaganda spreads such disinformation to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Another goal of this fake is to continue to cultivate hatred towards Ukrainians on the part of Russians, because such news is primarily disseminated for the internal population of Russia. Previously, we refuted the information that Ukrainian first-graders marched to the song “We’re killing the Russian” during the festive parade.

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