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Fake Video fake: Ukrainian schoolgirl in New York complains about black classmates and claims U.S. taxpayers should cover her tuition

Russian media outlets are circulating a video in which a Ukrainian schoolgirl, allegedly living in New York, complains about her new school. The girl supposedly claims that she had difficulty adjusting to the “large number of Black classmates”, who allegedly offered her drugs, and that lessons were frequently canceled due to shooting threats. At the end of the video, she claims she transferred from a public to a private school, noting that while tuition is expensive, it is covered by American taxpayers - a situation she considers entirely fair.

In reality, the video was fabricated by propagandists, according to the StopFake project.

In late December 2024, Voice of America released a short video story about Ukrainian schoolchildren who relocated to New York due to the full-scale war and had to adapt to a new learning environment.

The girl featured in the video is named Sofiia Holinei, and she attends St. George’s Academy, a private school. However, the segment where she allegedly complains about Black classmates, drug dealers, shootings, and claims her education should be free was created using artificial intelligence - such remarks are absent in the original story. Propagandists manipulated audio to fabricate this segment and supplemented it with stock footage that is not part of the authentic video.

Previously, we debunked a fake claim that Ukrainian children were allegedly being beaten in Polish schools for speaking Ukrainian.

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