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Manipulation U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham praises Zelenskyi for killing Russians

Russian telegram channels and media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric have circulated a video in which U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham allegedly says: “Russians dying”… is “the best money we have ever spent”. Graham allegedly said this at a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Russian officials reacted to this statement, and then the Russian Ministry of the Interior issued an arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham. However, this is fake.

The fact-checkers of the Reuters media drew attention to the case. They found out that in the full version of the conversation, Lindsey Graham did not talk about the murders of Russians for American money. The phrase “the best money we have ever spent on” Lindsey Graham said during a discussion of US aid since the start of a full-scale invasion. Graham went on to say that the Ukrainians’ struggle reminds him of the US's struggle to be free. To this, Zelenskyi replied that the United States is free, and Ukraine will be free. And after that, Graham said: “And the Russians are dying”, then the President of Ukraine said: “Yes, but they came to our territory. We are not fighting on their territory”.

Thus, Russian propagandists discredit foreign experts and continue to spread the thesis that Ukraine depends on the West and in fact it is the West that is waging war against Russia. Earlier, Detector Media explained the message that the American “elite group” is allegedly waging an indirect war with Russia.

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