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Manipulation Ukrainians will be avoided like the "plague" because of the policies of the President's Office and "patriots" who think the whole world owes them

This thesis is spread by anonymous Telegram channels controlled by the FSB. For example, propagandists cite billionaire Elon Musk's refusal to pay for Starlink services in Ukraine, allegedly because he was offended by the words of Ambassador Andrii Melnyk, who advised him to "go to hell."

Detector Media found out whether it is true that Elon Musk refused to pay for Starlink services in Ukraine because of an insult to Ukrainians. According to CNN, the letter to the Pentagon with a notification about the refusal of Starlink funding was sent in September. So, it was before the appearance of Elon Musk's proposals regarding the "peace plan" of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which he published on Twitter on October 3, and before the harsh reaction of Ukrainians to his advice.

In this way, propagandists try to show that Ukrainians are ungrateful, so it isn't worth helping them.

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