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Manipulation Ukrainians were allegedly banned from using air conditioning

Russian propagandists are disseminating information that Ukraine has allegedly introduced a ban on the use of air conditioners by all citizens. They say that the government is hiding from Ukrainians the real state of the energy network in Ukraine and is mocking people. However, this is manipulation.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that in fact there was no official ban on the use of air conditioners in Ukrainian apartments. Russian propaganda distorted the order of the Cabinet of Ministers banning officials from using air conditioners, external lighting of buildings and surrounding areas in government institutions, which was introduced in connection with the emergency situation in the energy system caused by Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine.

The relevant order of the Cabinet of Ministers clearly states that the ban applies only to government institutions, and the instructions “do not apply to healthcare institutions, business entities for which air conditioning is part of the technological process, as well as technical measures for organizing traffic”.

Despite the absence of an official ban on Ukrainians using air conditioners, the Ukrainian government and energy workers are calling for reasonable energy consumption and limiting the use of appliances such as boilers, washing machines, heaters, and air conditioners during peak hours in order to reduce the load and “free up” electricity.

Russia is actively parasitizing on topics related to the energy situation in Ukraine to demoralize Ukrainians, reinforce the narrative of the ineffectiveness of Ukraine as a state that cannot ensure the energy security of its citizens and undermine trust in the authorities and allies.

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