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Fake Ukrainian drones are capable of sawing up through insect containers to spread bioweapons

Such information is distributed in social networks and anonymous telegram channels. The report says that Russia has asked the UN to conduct an international investigation into Ukraine's involvement in the operation of biological weapons. Like, in Russia there are documents containing descriptions of projects to study the possibility of spreading infections through insects. Allegedly, drones will spray dangerous substances and infect insects. However, this is not true.

According to EU VS Disinfo experts, Ukraine is a signatory to the binding UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, which entered into force in 1975.

In addition, the United States strongly refuted the pro-Kremlin thesis about the spread of biological weapons by Ukraine. U.S. Ambassador Thomas Greenfeld at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Russia's unfounded accusations of biological weapons programs in Ukraine on October 26, 2022 noted:

“Russia’s assertions are absurd for many reasons, including because such species, even if they could be weaponized, would pose as much a threat to the European continent and to Ukraine itself as they would to any other country. Bear in mind, much like Russia, birds and bats don’t tend to observe or respect sovereign borders”, Thomas-Greenfield said.

Propagandists have repeatedly spread fakes about the development or operation of biological weapons in Ukraine. In this way, they are trying to intimidate the international community and convince them that Ukraine is resorting to prohibited actions during the war, such as the use of biological or chemical weapons.

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