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Fake Ukraine plans to continue martial law “even after the end of the war”

Social networks are spreading information that the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andrii Yermak, in an interview with the American publication Politico, proposed not to lift martial law.

“Yermak believes that after the end of the war, all Ukrainians should, in the form of labor service, restore the country to martial law. And when it ends, that is, in 5-10 years, it will be possible to switch to peacetime”, propagandists write in their publications.

However, the case was investigated by StopFake fact-checkers and found that neither on the Politico website nor on any other reliable source are there any words from Andrii Yermak about the continuation of martial law in Ukraine “after the war”.

Senior Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President Daria Zarivna wrote that Yermak’s probable quote to Politico was entirely made up. The goal of such information campaigns is to discredit the Ukrainian state and the narrative about the transformation of Ukraine into a dictatorship.

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