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Fake Ukraine continues to export energy, causing massive blackouts

Allegedly, Ukraine has increased its export revenue by 2.5 times due to the fact that electricity is cut off in many regions. Such information is disseminated by the Russian media and propagandists.

In fact, the export of electricity from Ukraine was stopped on October 11, 2022 by the decision of the Ministry of Energy, immediately after the first Russian attack on the energy system. By this time, from January to October 2022, Ukraine has indeed increased its revenue from electricity exports by 2.5 times, or by $326.9 million compared to the same period in 2021, to $542.514 million.

Propagandists used this data, allegedly in Ukraine they not only export electricity abroad, but also increased revenue. Like, it caused massive blackouts.

"Such speculation is a vivid example of disinformation and an element of the information war waged against us by the enemy", they say in the Kyiv regional military administration.

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