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Fake They allegedly hand over draft notices on the receipts at Silpo

On social networks, propagandists are distributing an alleged photograph of a receipt from the Silpo supermarket with the message: “You have just received a draft notice. You have 48 hours to show up at the nearest Territorial center of procurement and social support”. It is stated that when paying by card, the buyer’s personal data may appear on the receipt, and in case of failure to appear at the Territorial center of procurement and social support, the person will face trial and blocking of the bank card. However, this is not true, and the photo of the receipt has been changed.

This was found out by specialists from the VoxCheck project. The stated blocking of bank cards for failure to appear at the Territorial center of procurement and social support is untrue. The primary source of this information is probably the telegram channel “Dnipro on the Agenda”, which disseminates satirical news about Ukraine. And the photo of the receipt used for this joke has been circulating online since at least 2020. It shows that the phrase about the Territorial center of procurement and social support was added, in particular, behind a font that differs from that used on the check.

In addition, VoxCheck checked their own receipt from the Silpo supermarket and confirmed that personal data did not appear on it when purchasing there, and neither did the draft notices.

Propagandists spread such fake news to cause panic among the population. They say that now it is impossible to go shopping without the permission of the Territorial center of procurement and social support. Detector Media also refuted other Russian fakes regarding mobilization in Ukraine.

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