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Fake The Ukrainian Armed Forces are allegedly confiscating transport for movement around Kupiansk

Propagandists disseminate information in the media and social networks that the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are allegedly taking away transport from medical services, public utilities, police and civilians for movement around Kupiansk. They say that this is a justification for the Russian army’s attacks on the civilian infrastructure of Ukraine. However, this is fake.

The Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council drew attention to it. Its specialists checked the information at the Kupiansk city military administration and found out that this was not true. All special equipment of utility companies, police and medical services is indeed used exclusively for peaceful purposes, in particular to eliminate and restore the consequences of shelling by Russian troops.

Propagandists spread such fake news for several reasons. Firstly, they want to use them to justify attacks on civilian targets. Such messages also attempt to create a negative image of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by accusing them of violating the rights of civilians. In addition, the dissemination of this information helps to instill fear and mistrust among the local population towards Ukraine. In general, such propaganda aims to demoralize Ukrainian society.

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