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Disclosure The so-called CCORC as a tool of Russian propaganda

The so-called Coordinating Councils of Organizations of Russian Compatriots or CCORC operate in many countries around the world. This is a Russian initiative aimed at uniting and strengthening communities founded by Russian emigrants abroad. 

The study by the Civil Awareness Center team of the Prytula Foundation presents the deanonymization of 92 leaders of CCORC with a brief description of their activities, and with the first material devoted to Europe.

In some countries, CCORC activities are already banned or restricted, such as in the United States, Sweden and Ukraine. The study provides a rationale for considering banning their activities in other countries as well.

Each CCORC states that their main goal is “strengthening the ties of compatriots with their historical homeland”. However, the founding documents also contain other propaganda goals, such as:

support for the efforts of compatriots in promoting an objective image of Russia in the public life of the host country;

popularization of the achievements of Russian culture and history, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia through all available information resources;

promoting the development of Russian-language media in the host country;

dissemination of information about the achievements of Russia's multinational culture.

Most CCORC do not have legal status. This is written in their principles as a separate point: “CCORC is a public institution, preferably without the creation of a legal entity”.

CCORC is actively used to spread Russian propaganda among foreigners in order to form a positive perception of Russia and its actions. One of the official goals of the activity is “actively attracting young people”, which is the main means of influence. The leaders of these associations mostly support Putin's policies. Some CCORC delivered humanitarian aid to the territories occupied by Russia during the full-scale invasion.

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