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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake The slogan of Kharkiv Pride is supposedly “Better is an AFU gay than a straight draft dodger”

Propagandists disseminate information in pro-Russian anonymous telegram channels that the slogan of Kharkiv Pride is supposedly the phrase “Better is an AFU gay than a straight draft dodger” (the original spelling has been preserved). However, this is fake.

The official accounts of Kharkiv Pride on social networks do not have this slogan. Moreover, the fakeness is indicated by the fact that the propagandists made a number of grammatical errors. In Ukrainian, the correct spelling of “evader” is not a copy of Russian and is not used by Ukrainians. In addition, the slogan itself is provocative in nature and was created with the aim of manipulating public opinion.

This fake is part of an information war aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian military and further dividing society. The use of such slogans aims to sow discord among citizens, cause negative attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community and discredit the Ukrainian army. Russians are trying in every possible way to increase homophobia through various manipulations and fakes. Thus, they want to justify their aggression against Ukraine. They say that Russia is fighting for real values that do not exist in the West.

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