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Fake The shelling of the maternity hospital in Mariupol is staged.

Russian media and propagandists have spread fake information that the March 9 shelling on the maternity hospital in Mariupol was staged. Propagandists spread similar statements that there were no staff or women in labor present at the maternity hospital. Instead they allege that only Azov fighters had been based there. The Russian media referred to a fake report on the Russian website Lenta.Ru (published before the bombing of Mariupol), which stated that the city maternity hospital №2 in Mariupol had been seized by "fighters of either the Armed Forces or Azov battalion.” Russia 1 further reports that the maternity hospital had been bombed by Right Sector fighters.

In reality, the air raid on the maternity hospital by Russian occupiers was confirmed by the President of Ukraine, local authorities, as well as the police. As a result of the air strike, 17 people (children, women, doctors) were injured, three died, including one child – a girl. The police have launched an investigation under Article 438 (violation of the laws or customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

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