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Manipulation The representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry smiled after the question of the recognition of the sovereignty of Ukraine

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting Kremlin rhetoric are circulating a video of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning. She allegedly smiled after being asked if China would recognize Ukraine's sovereignty. This is manipulation.

According to VoxCheck experts, the video was taken out of context. On April 24, 2023, a conference was held by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning, where most of the questions were about Ukraine. When asked by a Reuters journalist about whether China recognizes Ukraine's sovereignty, the speaker replied that “Ukraine is a full member of the UN” and noted that China has established and is developing strong relations with the country.

She also answered a question from a Russian media journalist about Crimea, which allegedly “historically” was part of Russia. Mao Ning said that China respects “the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries and upholds the purposes and principles of the UN Charter”.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to convince Ukrainians that Ukraine is not a sovereign state, they say, even abroad it is not recognized. Earlier, Detector Media refuted the fake that the Ukrainian hopak was allegedly called a Russian dance at an international festival in China.

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