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Fake The police will allegedly catch “evaders” in cemeteries on memorial days

Propagandists claim that the Ukrainian police allegedly intend to detain “evaders” in cemeteries during memorial days. However, this information is unfounded.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to this. They found out that in fact the conversation on which they created the fake was not about cemeteries. The video, used by some propagandists as evidence, is only a fragment of the ICTV channel’s plot as part of the national telethon Unified News on May 10, 2024. In it, National Police Representative Yuliia Hirdvilis did not actually claim that the police would detain evaders in cemeteries. She spoke about safety measures at mass gatherings. Hirdvilis noted that cemeteries are open places without shelter, and called on citizens to be careful and follow safety rules, especially in an active combat zone. It was also noted that in some areas there are restrictions on visiting cemeteries due to the mine threat. Police patrol these places, but the main purpose of this is to prevent violations or provocations.

Propagandists spread such fakes to disrupt the mobilization process in Ukraine and intimidate the local population. Detector Media has repeatedly written about other fakes on this topic.

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