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Fake The Pentagon confirmed the huge losses of the Ukrainian army

Russian media write about this with reference to the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley. Allegedly, he estimated the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces at tens of thousands of dead. It is not true.

As StopFake writes, the American general did not make any statements about the losses of the Ukrainian army. At the same time, Milley said that tens of thousands of civilians were killed due to Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. He also drew attention to the fact that almost 15 million Ukrainians became refugees as a result of the war. Despite this, Russia continues to attack civilians and critical infrastructure.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin noted that Ukrainian defenders are using Western weapons very effectively, in response to which Russia is stepping up aggression against civilians. Terrorism against civilians is part of Russia's military strategy.

That is, representatives of the Pentagon at a briefing at the Ramstein air base expressed support for Ukraine and drew attention to the crimes of Russia. Russian propaganda took quotes out of context and distorted their content for wishful thinking. The Russians use this tactic systematically. Earlier, with the help of disfigured quotes, they reported that the German edition of Die Welt called on Ukraine to recognize the “loss of Donbas”.

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