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Fake Students did not donate money for generator and now they are not allowed to attend classes, photo fake of “school announcement”

There are reports online that in Ukraine, students “who have not donated money to purchase generators for the school” are allegedly not allowed to attend classes. To confirm this, users share a photo of what appears to be a school board, where a list of students who have not donated money is compiled and who are now prohibited from entering the computer science classroom.

“These students no longer enter the computer science classroom - this is how Ukrainian classes deal with those who failed to donate money for the generator. Now even education is paid in this country”, some Internet users comment.

But in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, namely Article 58 of the Law of Ukraine On Complete General Secondary Education, funding of state and municipal educational institutions is carried out at the expense of state and local budgets, as well as other sources not prohibited by law. In fact, the so-called requirements of the administration to the parents of students to collect funds for school repairs, classroom needs, the purchase of textbooks, detergents, etc. are illegal.

And local governments are responsible for purchasing generators for schools. According to the latest data, more than 80% of Ukrainian schools are equipped with generators. For example, this was stated in the response of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to a request from Hromadske in early August 2024.

And with the help of a special tool InVID&WeVerify, it was possible to detect anomalies in the processes of image creation and compression, which indicates external interference. The analysis showed that objects were added or moved in the image. And also in the image itself, incorrect spelling of a number of surnames, phonetically close to their Russian pronunciation, was recorded. For example, “Lisenko” instead of “Lysenko”, “Petrichenko” instead of “Petrychenko”.

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