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Disclosure Russia spreads messages about air alerts in Ukraine in Telegram channels to emphasize its own "power"

The publication Texty.org.ua drew attention to the change in the behavior of the Telegram channels of the leading Russian media. As the author of the study notes, until October 10, the largest number of reports about an air strike in Ukraine in Russian news was on February 24, the day of the start of a full-scale invasion. At that time, the most extensive media wrote that an air alert was announced in Kyiv, and Ukrainians were asked to take shelter. An airstrike in Israel at the end of July attracted more attention from Russian media than the daily sounds of sirens in Ukrainian cities caused by Russia. Until October 10, the Russian media didn't consider it an informational excuse. Since October 10, the Telegram channels of the five largest Russian media have been writing about almost all air alarms to enhance the effect, especially writing about each area in a separate message. In this way, the Russians are probably trying to emphasize their "greatness and power." Otherwise, in this way, they try to support the emotional mood of the Russians, who were greatly comforted by the missile attack. Reports of air strikes are also mixed with reports of power outages resulting from Russia's damage to 30% of Ukraine's power plants. A separate post is dedicated to each region, sometimes without specifying that it's about Ukraine. In this way, Russia uses an old tactic of creating the illusion that Ukraine is still, to some extent, "part of Russia."

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