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Disclosure Propagandists are spreading a manual for the Ukrainian military “how to surrender properly”

Anonymous telegram channels disseminate a call to Ukrainians to “save the life of their son, husband, father, brother, friend, and even enemy”. To do this, they propose to convey orally or in writing (through repost) the content of the video instructions on how to properly leave their positions and avoid criminal liability.

Propagandists offer to leave their positions and leave the combat area with entire military formations. Like, the more people, the better. They argue that allegedly only individual military personnel, but not units, can allegedly be accused of desertion. They also advise "to isolate or neutralize the nationalists and informers of the SSU in your unit." Propagandists call for recording a video message to the leadership of Ukraine, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a unit, a military unit, which should include all military personnel who decide to leave their positions. Like, this will also “protect” from the charge of desertion.

In fact, Article 408 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for criminal liability and imprisonment for both individual (two to five years) and group (five to ten years) desertion. Desertion under martial law is punishable by up to 12 years in prison.

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