Spilnota Detector Media
Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Pro-Russian Telegram channels, in particular @spletnicca, spread information that Volodymyr Zelensky had allegedly deceived Ukrainians and the army until the last day and banned the media from publishing an accurate picture of what was happening.

"In two or three days, we will all be surprised how our country found itself in such a situation, and it's just because Kvartal decided to have fun and lie to the end!" - said in a statement.

It is not true. After Russia attacked Ukraine, the President of Ukraine immediately imposed martial law. On February 24, Ukraine severed diplomatic relations with Russia. Ukrainian media promptly cover the situation in the country and work around the clock. In particular, on the morning of February 25, most of the Ukrainian TV channels broadcast information marathons.

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