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Fake Poland started a covert mobilization

 Pro-Kremlin mass media spread such information. Reports indicate that Poland has begun a covert mobilization, and it's allegedly evidenced by the deployment of the "Train with the Armed Forces" program. Propagandists claim that this program was reportedly created to capture and return Lviv to Poland. However, the mobilization and capture of Lviv is a fake. According to StopFake fact-checkers, this program is a pro-social initiative of the Ministry of National Defense and the Polish Army. Its purpose is to develop survival skills in an emergency or crisis. The program also aims to increase the level of security and self-confidence of the civilian population of Poland. According to the project, from October 8 to November 26, one-day training for all willing Polish citizens aged 18 to 65 will be held every Saturday in 17 military units in Poland. During the training, the participants will be able to master basic military skills: handling weapons, shooting, hand-to-hand combat, navigating the terrain without GPS, survival in the field, and providing first aid. Propagandists are once again promoting the message of Poland's seizure of Western Ukraine to intimidate Ukrainians and destabilize the situation in the rear.

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