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Manipulation Poland is preparing for a military coup in Belarus, Polish general says

The Kremlin propaganda media disseminated information that the Polish general Waldemar Skrzypczak allegedly stated that “Poland is preparing for an armed coup in Belarus and participation in its military support”. He stated this on the air of Polsat. This is manipulation.

General Waldemar Skrzypczak notes that Russian mercenaries fighting on the side of Ukraine conducted a sabotage action in the Belgorod region. He noted that similar events could soon take place on Belarusian territory. “If the Ukrainian counteroffensive is successful, the armed Belarusians, who are part of the military potential of the Ukrainian army, will not lay down their arms”, Skrzypczak said.

Waldemar Skrzypczak did not say that Poland was preparing for a military coup. He noted: “We must be ready to support the troops that will carry out the operation against Lukashenko. We have reasons to help them just as we help Ukrainians”.

By spreading such manipulations, propagandists want to show Poland as an aggressor country ready to unleash a war against Belarus. Earlier, Detector Media denied the fake that the West is militarizing Poland in order to start a war against Russia and Belarus.

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