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Fake On the Tysa River, Ukrainians are allegedly shot for fleeing mobilization

Pro-Russian sources are disseminating information that soldiers of the State Border Service are shooting Ukrainians trying to escape mobilization, cross the Tysa and, finally, get into Romania. About twenty such cases have already been recorded. In asserting this, propagandists refer to the corresponding statement by Rohov’s collaborator.

However, this information is fake. Ukrainian border guards do not open fire on people trying to illegally cross the state border through Tysa. This was reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security at the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

Recorded deaths on the river are associated primarily with the rapid flow of the Tysa and its dangerous bottom. In addition, some citizens of Ukraine fall on the hook of scammers who promise supposedly safe passage across the Tysa River for a large sum of money. However, in reality they are taken to a dangerous place where they experience injury or death due to the dangerous nature of the river. Servicemen of the State National Security Service more than once had to save people from death in Tysa.

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