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Fake Nazi symbols are applied to German tanks before being sent to Ukraine

A video of a column of tanks allegedly being transported to Ukraine is being circulated on social networks. On one of the tanks you can allegedly see the inscription “14/88”  symbolizing the Nazi slogan. Users of social networks write that this video was filmed in Germany, and symbols are applied to tanks before being sent to Ukraine. It's fake.

The video circulating on social media has been intentionally altered. There are no symbols on the tanks in the original video. The reports also refer to a fake about encrypted Nazi symbols in the number of tanks. Fact-checkers of StopFake found out that the video shows American Abrams tanks. The video was published back in March 2022, that is, the tanks could not be transported to Ukraine, since at that time there was no talk of their deliveries.

Russian propaganda began to spread messages about “Nazi crosses” on tanks for Ukraine in advance, saying that “Nazis” can not hide their views. Thus, propaganda nourishes the narrative of Russia's one more fight against Nazism and fascism by appealing to the events of World War II.

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