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Fake More than half of the Ukrainian military use drugs.

Russian propaganda constantly promotes the message that the Ukrainian military seems to be using drugs. In the last 24 hours alone, Russian resources and telegram channels spread this fake story twice. For example, RIA FAN, owned by "Putin's cook" Prigozhin, posted a video of an unknown person, whom they call a former member of the "25th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade" who surrendered, named Dmitry. He says that he was offered to use "amphetamine," and saw that his commander was using it. At the same time, the RIA FAN story claims that 60% of "AFU fighters fight on drugs" and that they are allegedly delivered to military units by "Novaya Posta". There is no evidence of this - even the man in the video does not say this. Also, everything that the unknown man says in the video is a betrayal of an Apostrof article made public in 2018 - it also featured a "fighter of the Airborne Assault Brigade," but it was anonymous."

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