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Fake Moldovan President Maia Sandu said that she gives permission to the Armed Forces of Ukraine to enter the territory of their country in order to “deal with Transnistria”

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that Moldovan President Maia Sandu, during a meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyi on June 1, allegedly confirmed her readiness to provide her territory for the military operations of the Ukrainian army, namely to “deal with” the so-called Transnistria. The authors add that this allegedly is how the president of Moldova expresses her “disposition” towards Ukraine and the troops. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case and determined that Maia Sandu did not say this. The propagandists simply made up her words about the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Actually, the presidential office denied this information and called it fake. And in a meeting with the press, Maia Sandu said that Ukraine ensures the security of Moldova and that their country respects the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and its internationally recognized borders.

Of course, Ukraine can respond and help other countries if there is such a request. And there was no request from Moldova, so we are not even talking about any dispatch of troops. At the same time, during the same meeting on June 1, Zelenskyi said that Ukraine does not claim the territory of Transnistria.

By spreading such a message, propagandists seek to show that the Armed Forces of Ukraine want the war to escalate, to continue it outside of Ukraine, or, for example, to resolve other conflicts. Allegedly, Ukraine is ready to dispose of the territories of neighboring countries as it pleases, especially when the military “gets permission”. Thus, Russian propaganda exposes the Ukrainian military as aggressors who allegedly claim other territories outside Ukraine.

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