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Manipulation Mexican cartels receive weapons provided to Ukraine

Propagandists are distributing a video on social networks, in which a report by the Mexican TV channel Milenio allegedly mentions that Mexican drug cartels are receiving weapons transferred to Ukraine as military aid. This is manipulation.

Analysts of the AP Fact Check project drew attention to the video. They found out that the propagandists deliberately mistranslated the comment from him. In fact, it says that members of the Golf Cartel “own javelins”. The host of this news program only recalls that this is the type of weapon used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but does not say that the drug cartel received it with the participation of Ukrainians or that the specific weapon from the video should be in service with the Ukrainian army. In addition, the journalists of the TV channel incorrectly identified the weapon in the report - in fact, it does not show the Javelin, but the AT4, another type of anti-tank weapon.

Thus, propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and disrupt the supply of armed aid from NATO countries. Like, Ukrainians resell it on the black market, and it falls into the hands of criminals. However, military experts, at the request of AP Fact Check specialists, replied that the drug traffickers probably bought the weapons in a way not related to Ukraine.

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