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Fake ​​McDonald’s is not returning to Russia

Reports claiming that McDonald’s plans to return to Russia have recently appeared on Russian platforms. These headlines are based on the fact that the company filed over 50 trademark registration applications with the Russian patent office. The applications include names of beverages, menu items, and company slogans.  

However, such conclusions are premature. The renewal of trademarks by the company does not indicate that McDonald’s is resuming operations in Russia. Rather, this move is aimed at protecting its intellectual property and preventing third-party companies from using its brand or technologies without authorization. This measure also helps to avoid unfair competition, where local businesses might exploit McDonald’s recognizable brand to mislead consumers. Additionally, it ensures the company retains the option to resume operations in the future, should the Russian war against Ukraine come to an end.  

To recall, McDonald’s decided to leave the Russian market in May 2022, in response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. At the time, the company stated that “the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, along with the unpredictable business environment, led McDonald’s to conclude that continued ownership of the business in Russia is no longer tenable and does not align with the company’s values”. 

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