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Fake Latvian cars donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine are resold in Ukrainian car markets

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that the donated Latvian cars of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are allegedly resold in the Ukrainian car markets. As evidence, the authors of the messages cite a commercial from tiktok, on which there is an inscription “confiscated from Latvia” and the date “13.03.2023”. It is not true.

The experts of the StopFake project drew attention to the case, having previously decided to verify the authenticity of the video. Analysts found the real video on Tiktok. However, in the original video there are no inscriptions, as in the fake one. The voice-over tells only about the availability of cars in the car market. Analysts are convinced that the authors of the messages simply overlaid the inscription “Confiscated from Latvia” on the video and, to make it more convincing, the date “13.03.2023”.

Thus, Ukrainians do not resell cars donated by Latvia. At the same time, experts explain that the cars handed over to Ukraine differ from those shown in the video.

We recall that earlier Detector Media told how propagandists use videos of the Ukrainian military in a similar way to spread anti-Ukrainian narratives.

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