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Fake Kyiv is guilty of attacks on nuclear infrastructure facilities

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, accused Ukraine of this at the UN Security Council meeting held on August 11.

He voiced four propaganda messages.

1. The Armed Forces fire at the ZNPP. Russian troops protect it. Russia does not use civilian infrastructure facilities for military purposes.

The statements of the Russian Federation that the Ukrainian army is constantly shelling the ZNPP do not correspond to reality. The Russian army repeatedly tried to pass off its shelling of Energodar residential quarters as shelling of the Armed Forces.

2. Russian military personnel at the ZNPP provide assistance to the station's employees and guard it.

The fact is that the Russian military has set up a military base at the ZANP where the personnel is being held, hostage. In mid-July, gunfights took place on the territory of the station. The risk of making a critical mistake in such working conditions is very high. Russian specialists cannot replace Ukrainian ones, as the ZANP has been modernized in recent years.

3. Ukraine obstructs the IAEA's access to the ZNPP.

The danger for the visit of the IAEA mission to the nuclear power plant is created by Russia due to the constant shelling of the station territory and nearby settlements. Nikopol and Margarets, which are under fire from the Russian military, are only 8 km from the station.

Ukraine sabotaged the Chornobyl nuclear power plant and forced personnel to work without shifts.

4. Ukraine sabotaged the Chornobyl nuclear power plant and forced personnel to work without shifts.

The units of the Russian armed forces, which carried out the forceful seizure of the facilities of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, committed an act of nuclear terrorism. Ukraine did not commit any provocations at its nuclear power plants - this fact was confirmed by international organizations for the regulation of nuclear safety.

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