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Fake Klitschko suggested burying "neo-Nazis" in Babyn Yar.

The Russian mass media and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, are spreading the information that the mayor of Kyiv, Vitaliy Klitschko, has proposed to bury "neo-Nazis and fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Babi Yar." It is not true.

On July 14, the Kyiv City Council approved the decision to create a military cemetery and places of honor for the defenders of Ukraine next to Babyn Yar, and not in Babyn Yar itself - the area of the largest mass burial of victims of Nazism in Ukraine, shot in 1941-1943.

According to Klitschko, permission for the development of the land management project was granted along Olena Teliga Street in the Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv - we are talking about a place next to the Babyn Yar tract.

Klitschko said that Kyiv is ready to take on all the costs associated with arranging the military cemetery. However, the project needs support at the national level.

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