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Fake In Ukraine, wheelchairs are advertised as a way to avoid mobilization

Information is spreading on social networks that a Ukrainian medical equipment store allegedly advertises wheelchairs as an opportunity to avoid mobilization. On the screenshot of the “advertisement”, the inscription is visible: “If you are in a wheelchair, no one will hand you a draft notice! Zelenskyi doesn’t get another 200”. Also, one can see a crossed-out photo of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. It's fake.

The ad image was intentionally edited in a photo editor. The chain of stores of medical equipment, orthopedic products and health products Med-magazin.ua noted on its Facebook page that it had never used such content to advertise the store. In addition, the company noticed that the fake image was mainly distributed in Russian groups. StopFake's fact-checkers made sure that the chain of stores had never really created such advertising campaigns on social networks. The store now has four active advertising campaigns, but none of them is about “the ability to avoid mobilization”.

Russian propaganda systematically manipulates the topic of mobilization. They say that women, children and even dogs are forcibly mobilized in Ukraine, and the hunt for men continues. Thus, propagandists are trying to form a negative attitude of Ukrainians towards military service and discredit the Ukrainian army.

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