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Fake In Ukraine, they allegedly want to ban the sale of push-button mobile phones

Information is being spread online that Ukraine plans to ban the sale of push-button mobile phones. Several Russian resources published messages on this topic. They say that Ukrainians are now massively buying push-button mobile phones so as not to receive electronic draft notices through the Diia application.

However, this information is false. There are no bills on the Verkhovna Rada website banning the sale of push-button mobile phones, deputies did not declare their intention to submit a corresponding bill, and the Ukrainian media did not write about it. This was reported by fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project.

There are similar messages online related to feature phones. In particular, users sell collectible or push-button phones for spare parts. However, such advertisements do not indicate mass demand for them.

Propagandists spread this misinformation, citing another fake about allegedly sending draft notices in the Diia application. However, the distribution of them in this application was repeatedly denied by the Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov. “There will never be any draft notices”, he assured on December 24, 2023.

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