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Manipulation In Moldova, residents fear "the transition of the conflict from Ukraine to their country"

The Russian media spread information that the Prime Minister of Moldova, Natalia Gavrilita, said that the country's government was afraid of "the transition of the conflict from Ukraine." This manipulative thesis is part of the message that Ukraine threatens neighboring states.

In fact, the Russian media distorted and twisted the words of the Prime Minister of Moldova. According to StopFake, Natalia Gavrilita said in an interview with CNN that the government of Moldova is concerned about a possible invasion of Russia on the territory of its state. Ukraine is mentioned only in the context; if Russia's hostilities against Ukraine move towards Odesa, then "this will also become a cause for concern." In addition, according to the version of Russian propaganda, Havrylitsia calls Transnistria a "territory," but in reality, it says "separatist region."

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