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Disclosure How Ukrainian telegram channels speculate on the subject of air raid alert

Such information is disseminated in social networks of the Ukrainian segment, including Facebook. Reports say that a “missile radar” has been introduced in Ukraine that monitors the flight path of an enemy missile and reports it to the Ukrainians. To connect such an application to your smartphone, the authors of the messages offer to follow their telegram channel.

Analysts of the NotaYenota project investigated the telegram channels of the Ukrainian segment and determined that community administrators are speculating on the topic of air alerts, in particular, to increase their audience.

In fact, no such application exists. In Ukraine, it is not yet possible to accurately track the trajectory of a missile using a “radar”. However, Ukraine will soon be testing the Israeli air raid system, which consists in increasing the power of radars. The Ukrainian alert system works like this: when Russian planes take off, for example, in Belarus, the alarm spreads immediately in all the northern regions of Ukraine. The Israeli system, on the other hand, calculates where the rocket is flying, and the siren turns on sectorally at a specific location. The siren also gives a special signal indicating how many minutes people have to go to a  shelter.

However, the “Israeli air raid system” refers to the modernization of existing equipment, no applications need to be downloaded for this. It is beneficial for telegram channel administrators to parasitize on socially important and emotionally complex topics, such as air raid alerts or the “repeated offensive” of the Russian army in order to achieve their goals and intimidate Ukrainians.

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