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Disclosure How Russia is spreading its influence in Africa through educational projects

On October 14, 2024, the Russian propaganda media school RT (Russia Today. - Ed.) Academy launched its first educational course for African journalists. The training is conducted by media experts, in particular employees of the RT and Ruptly channels. According to RT, representatives of 35 African countries are participating in the project.

In turn, the Center for Countering Disinformation writes that in fact, through such media projects, Russia is trying to expand its connections and influence in African countries. It is also about recruiting African journalists who, after training, can spread pro-Russian narratives in their countries.

This is not the only project aimed at strengthening Russian influence in the region, the CPI adds. Russia is also increasing so-called cultural cooperation with African states, opening “Russian houses” that are in fact a cover for conducting information operations and promoting Kremlin propaganda.

In addition, RT signed a memorandum with the Egyptian TV channel Sada El Balad, which broadcasts statements by Russian officials and manipulative materials about Ukraine.

Read also: What the Global South media writes about Ukraine

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