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Disclosure How Russia conducts propaganda at the TOT through youth organizations

Russia continues to invest large resources in the ideological indoctrination of youth in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT), expanding the network of organizations specially created for this purpose. In particular, at the TOT, with the assistance of local gauleiters, recruitment is underway for the all-Russian community of children and youth “Movement of the First”, created on December 18, 2022 on the initiative of Russian President Putin. Outreach events are also held for local schoolchildren and students. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council.

As for the “First Movement” community, it is the reincarnation of Soviet practices of youth education - organizations of pioneers and Komsomol members. By resorting to old, proven methods, the Kremlin is trying to achieve several goals at once:

– ideologically educate youth at the TOT in the spirit of loyalty to Russia;

– prevent any resistance by controlling the mood of young people;

– integrate local youth into the Russian space;

– form personnel for administrative, political and military structures at the TOT.

This youth movement is part of a large-scale program to strengthen the influence and control of children and youth in the temporarily occupied territories.

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