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Disclosure How operation Doppelganger works from the inside

The FBI has uncovered one of the Kremlin's largest networks for spreading disinformation and propaganda. This was reported by the Telegram channel Ukrainian Offensive based on a published document prepared by federal agents to support a lawsuit to confiscate a number of Internet domains. It describes an extensive network of clone sites and one-day news resources, such as the fictitious BBC California. The agents also managed to identify and translate into English Russian guidelines for bots and distributors of fake information.

According to their information, the network is headed by one of the most influential Kremlin officials, Serhii Kyryienko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. With the help of organizations such as ANO Dialog and the Institute for Internet Development, Russia has created a huge network of sites-clones of large media outlets in different languages. These sites publish fictitious news along with copies of real materials, creating the impression that the source is reliable. The methods pay special attention to the dissemination of fake information in the Ukrainian language with reference to Ukrainian resources, emphasizing the importance of the language issue. The network does not even limit itself to publishing materials that are unfavorable for the Russian Federation, since the main goal is to create the illusion of division and polarization of society.

Researchers at the Detector Media Research Center have joined the Alliance4Europe report, created by an international group of disinformation experts, which provides information on how Operation Doppelganger continues to operate, especially on social media.

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