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Manipulation Greece opposed the supply of weapons to the Ukrainian army

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Official protests were held in Athens on May 7 against the war in Ukraine, including against the supply of weapons to the Ukrainian army. The authors of the messages add that this rally in support of Russia was initiated by NATO itself. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project drew attention to the case, and they found that anti-war rallies were indeed held in Athens, consisting of several dozen people and during which the participants chanted pro-Kremlin slogans. However, this rally was not held with the participation of the current authorities of Greece and, accordingly, it does not reflect the official position of Greece regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war. As the fact-checkers explained, the rally was initiated by Russian forces, Greek communists and left-wing parties that do not have political weight in their own country. At the same time, the Greek authorities support Ukraine in confronting Russian aggression, even the country's defense minister noted that Greece “will provide military assistance to Ukraine as much as necessary”.

By spreading such manipulation, the propagandists are trying to convince everyone that Ukraine should allegedly not be supplied with weapons, because, first of all, the Europeans are against it. Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to reduce military aid to Ukraine.

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