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Disclosure Fraudsters promise Ukrainians 8,900 hryvnia "aid from the EU" for taking the survey.

Attackers have launched a fraudulent scheme in Facebook: offer Ukrainians 8,900 hryvnia "assistance from the EU" when passing the survey. As the factchecking project "Brekhunets" writes, the advertising of the fraudulent site with the "survey" is targeting, in particular, Volyn residents. According to "Rayon.in.ua", this scheme is used for the fourth time - previously recorded such cases in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Fraudsters ran ads on Facebook from the page under News of Ukraine, which was created on March 30. This ad uses stolen branding TSN, flags of Ukraine and the European Union. "The message itself is not on the page, which means that it was published through an advertising office. Under the message - only one positive comment from a user who allegedly has already received funds," - told the project "Brehunets".

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