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Fake Fascist crosses are depicted on Ukrainian armored vehicles

Information about this along with a photo, which allegedly proves the fact that Ukrainian vehicles are depicted with fascist symbols, is being distributed in social networks and Russian media.

Propagandists claim that fascist crosses are depicted on armored vehicles used by the Ukrainian army. However, the sign that can be seen in the photo has nothing to do with Nazism or fascism. The photo published on social networks shows a soldier standing against the background of an armored car. The presence of the Ukrainian flag allows us to assume that this is military machinery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A symbol in the form of a cross is visible on the car door. Lithuanian fact-checkers drew attention to the fake in the networks. Most likely, the emblem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, approved in 2009 by the decree of the ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, is depicted on the door of the armored car. It is a straight equilateral cross with crimson branches, in the center of which there is an image of the Princely State Emblem of Volodymyr the Great in a round blue medallion.

By spreading such fakes, Russian propaganda once again wants to nourish the narrative that Ukrainians are Nazis.

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