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Fake Fake postcard allegedly from the British Embassy in Ukraine, which advises its citizens to run away from the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers

An image of a postcard allegedly developed by the British Embassy in Ukraine is being circulated online. It recommends that Britons avoid meetings with representatives of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers when visiting Ukraine. If they are unable to avoid a meeting, they should not “give in to provocations, racism, pushes, or look them in the eye”. And if they “force you into a minibus”, they recommend not to panic, not to sign anything, to call the embassy, and to wait for help.

In fact, this is a fake. In a comment to StopFake journalists, the British Embassy in Ukraine reported that they did not print such a postcard, and the information about it on the Internet is false. In addition, the embassy noted that official recommendations for British citizens on traveling to Ukraine can be found on the website of the British Foreign Office. Finally, citizens of other countries are not subject to mobilization in Ukraine.

With this fake, propagandists are trying to discredit the mobilization process in Ukraine. Earlier, we refuted the information that the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center workers beat up an ethnic Hungarian in western Ukraine.

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